Jaynes - Which Languages Did He Speak/Understand?

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Jaynes - Which Languages Did He Speak/Understand?

Post by ZeroZero »

I am just finishing reading the Origin. I am wondering which of the many sources that Jaynes quotes were studied by him, which in the orginal text? was he capable of translating cuniform? Aramaic? Heiroglyphs, Ancient Greek etc? or did he approach these texts through translations? Were his sources primary, secondary or tertiary?
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Re: Jaynes - Which Languages Did He Speak/Understand?

Post by Moderator »

My guess would be no on most of these just in terms of the amount of time that would have been involved, and his references to the need for additional more accurate translations (translations that do not attempt to "modernize" the texts or read in a modern psychology to make them more "readable").

We probably won't ever know the exact answer, but I will inquire with those that knew him well during the time period.

I have heard previously that he had learned or was learning ancient Greek.
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