Online Events with special guests and open discussion. We explore a wide-range of topics related to Julian Jaynes’s theory with experts from a variety of different backgrounds. Space for each event is limited so be sure to RSVP.
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Thursday, June 17th, 2021 at 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm Pacific Time (7:30 pm Eastern)
An interview with Professor Laurence Sugarman, M.D., FAAP, ABMH, Research Professor & Director, Center for Applied Psychophysiology and Self-regulation, Rochester Institute of Technology.
We’ll be discussing the changing nature of hypnosis, placebo effects, biofeedback, autism, the role of authorization, hypnosis as a vestige of the bicameral mind, and much more.
The interview will be followed by Q&A with the event participants.
Laurence Sugarman is Research Professor and Director of the Center for Applied Psychophysiology and Self-regulation in the College of Health Sciences and Technology at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT); a developmental and behavioral pediatrician at the Easter Seals Diagnostic and Treatment Center in Rochester, New York; and Clinical Professor in Pediatrics at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry. Over two decades of primary care pediatric practice, Dr. Sugarman refined clinical biofeedback and hypnosis strategies that effectively increase resilience and coping skills for young people and families. Based on this experience, he produced an internationally acclaimed video-documentary, Hypnosis in Pediatric Practice: Imaginative Medicine in Action. At RIT, he has focused on (1) how best to evoke the abilities of young people with autism spectrum disorder and other chronic health problems, (2) innovative interactive media for health, and (3) pedagogy for professional development in psychobiological care. With Dr. William Wester, Dr. Sugarman has co-authored and co-edited the text, Therapeutic Hypnosis with Children and Adolescents. His new book, coauthored with Julie Linden and Lee Brooks, is Changing Minds with Clinical Hypnosis. He is a member of the Julian Jaynes Society Science Advisory Board.
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• Google Meet works best with the latest versions of the Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge web browsers.
• If the event start time has passed and you are waiting to be let in, something went wrong – please try logging out and then logging back in again.