Toward A Science of Consciousness 2008
Tucson, Arizona, April 7-12, 2008
At the 2008 “Toward a Science of Consciousness” conference, Brian J. McVeigh and Marcel Kuijsten presented a four-hour pre-conference workshop titled “Reappraising Julian Jaynes’s Theory of Consciousness and the Bicameral Mind: 30 Years of New Evidence.” In addition, there were 6 speakers presenting talks related to Jaynes’s theory.
A 5-speaker session, “Consciousness and Julian Jaynes,” took place on Wednesday, April 9th. Speakers for the session were:
- John Limber, Professor of Psychology, University of New Hampshire, “Consciousness Is Just a Word: Julian Jaynes and Contemporary Psychology”
- Brian McVeigh, Lecturer in East Asian Studies, University of Arizona, “The Lost Voice of God: Julian Jaynes and Neurotheology”
- Marcel Kuijsten, Executive Director, Julian Jaynes Society, “Auditory Hallucinations and the Bicameral Mind: New Evidence for Julian Jaynes’s Neurological Model”
- Scott Greer, Professor of Psychology, University of Prince Edward Island, “Julian Jaynes, Historical Psychology, and the Role of Metaphor in the Generativity and Discontinuities of Concepts of Identity”
- John Hainly, Lecturer in Philosophy, Southern University, “Mythological Consciousness: Jaynes’ Bicameral Mind & Vico’s Imaginative Universals”
An additional talk on Jaynes’s theory was be given by Jan Sleutels, Professor of Philosophy at Leiden University, during the “Evolution of Consciousness” session. It was titled “Recent Changes in the Structure of Consciousness?”
A digital download of these presentations is available in the Store.